There is no doubt that your leadership team are responsible for and represent one of the most powerful influences on your corporate brand and reputation today, over and above all other aspects. Their style and behaviours are a catalyst for the employee brand you create due to the standards they set, the employer brand that is projected, and the culture ultimately maintained. This is a responsibility that merits a high and constant level of assessment, measurement and adjustment. We are in a business world where this simply has to be at the very core of your brand strategy if you are to compete effectively and achieve the goals you set yourselves as an organisation.
In this piece, we are going to focus on bringing leadership brand to the fore of your thinking and covering ways in which to address and adjust by looking at:
how the culture is influenced by leadership style and behaviours;
top down or bottom up cultures;
CEO Brand;
the narcissistic leader;
humour in the office;
·the effect line managers have on your brand;
leadership brand and executive presence.
by guest contributor Lesley Everett.
Lesley Everett is an Executive Brand and Reputation Coach & Consultant to Leaders & Entrepreneurs and runs her own business Lesley Everett. Corporate Brand Personality. Keynote Speaker and Author.
What is authentic leadership?
What your employees look for in your leaders today is a high degree of honesty, integrity and fairness and a feeling that they are genuine and not trying to be somebody they are not. Your customers are also looking for something similar. Authentic leadership means being aware of your strengths, limitations and emotions and behaving in a way that demonstrates this self-awareness. When leaders appear to put on ‘an act’ it will dramatically dilute the levels of trust their teams have in them and therefore the effectiveness of taking people with them. The follow-on effects of this are obvious.
In his book, Authentic Leadership (2004) Bill George, former CEO of Medtronic looked at what makes successful leaders today successful. The thread that runs through the book is that they are firstly crystal clear about their values and what they stand for. Secondly they are transparent with those values so others around them know what they stand for. They are therefore more effective at taking people with them and exerting influence. Thirdly, they don’t compromise on those strong values. That is the toughest piece of course.
Sometimes we are challenged on our values and have to do things that aren’t necessarily in total alignment with our value set. However we can probably live with it once or twice. If compromise is required regularly in our roles, then it’s time to consider moving on.
You cannot lead productively today if your teams don’t know who you are. They need a solid direction from a leader who is self-aware, genuine, is clear about what he stands for and is prepared to stand up for this. A level of vulnerability is also essential and this can only be achieved if you as a leader are totally comfortable with yourself.
A few years ago I spoke in Poland at a conference for a large financial organisation, focused on building confidence amongst their top talent and female leadership in particular. In preparation for this event I was part of a planning forum to discuss the objectives and other elements of the conference. One session was to be a panel of senior level leaders who were to share how they had got to where they are now and the mistakes and challenges along the way. The two questions they struggled with most were; ‘Can you tell us about a time when you misjudged a situation and made a wrong decision, and how you recovered?’; and ‘Tell us about a situation where you felt out of your comfort zone in terms of your abilities to achieve success.’ Of course both of these were asking them to expose their vulnerability with the result of showing the audience that it’s ok to make mistakes because you can still get to where you want to be, and that as a senior leader you do not always get it right first time. They truly struggled with this exposure as they saw it, and it was decided not to include those questions, therefore never got to the true person behind the leader. Most importantly the objective of the panel session, which was to help build confidence in their future leaders by showing that being out of your comfort zone is necessary to grow, was never met.
You cannot be authentic by trying to imitate someone else. You can learn from others’ experiences, but you can’t be successful if you are trying to be just like them. People trust you when you are genuine and authentic, not a replica of someone else. Former Amgen CEO Kevin Sharer, who worked as Jack Welch’s assistant in the 1980s, saw the downside of this. ‘Everyone wanted to be like Jack,’ he said. ‘Leadership has many voices. You need to be who you are, not try to emulate somebody else’ (George, Sims, McLean and Mayer, 2007).
So, the first step in great leadership is to establish who you are as a leader and how you want to be perceived, clarifying your own brand and value set.
Thank you and full credit for this thought leadership article goes to Lesley Everett. Thank you for letting us share it. Connect with Lesley on LinkedIn here Lesley Everett . Her expertise lies in leadership and executive coaching for CEO's and C-suite with a focus on personalised programs to develop an authentic leadership brand, profile & presence in line with strategic business goals & personal objectives. Also learn more about her new Assessment Tool which serves to help leaders identify gaps and strengths in their executive brand and their team. Here's the link